De-cluttering with the family
Nothing better than De-cluttering with the family in January. You have gotten through Christmas and the New Year, and now January hits.
Decluttering the house can help January feel better. When you have a great environment, you feel happier and more creative. Below we have tips on how todo de-cluttering with the family.
Give the family assigned spaces for their things to go. This makes it so much easier to prevent the clutter from coming back too and taking over.
I know this doesn’t stop it all the time but it helps. You could assign a space each day or one a week for them to organize and sort. Make a bit of a game out of it.
Plan them in the diary. Maybe you have a de-clutter mission on a Saturday, that if you all do ends in pizza, popcorn, and movies in the evening. This gives you all an extra reward and a hit of dopamine at the end of the day. As well as a feeling of space.
When de-cluttering last years things, it can be good to make a bit of a game of it all.
You can have races to see who can clean up the fastest, or see who fills a bag for donation. Make de-cluttering fun rather than a chore.
Have you seen Marie Kondo? Get the family to look at each item and decide if they love it. Does the item bring happiness? I recommend you research her and look at what she does. I know she has a series on Netflix but you can also find her on YouTube.