Thought we would have fun and look at 5 Amazing Dog Facts, after all, they are our bests friends and family.
How cool is that? I am learning something new here too. There is even an App launched by IAMS that helps reunite lost owners with their dogs using this.
They can pick up more smells than we ever could. Although in some cases I am not sure I would want to have a stronger sense of smell.
Another fact I had no clue about. The muscles allow dogs to move their ears in ways that help them to pick up sounds. They can also help you to access how your dog is feeling too.
When dogs scratch the ground they are performing another territory marking act. They spread their sent with the glands in their paws and let other dogs know they are here.
Whiskers are packed with nerves. They send messages to their brains to help them move around. This is more important in tight spaces or if visibility is low.
Dogs are pretty awesome, right? We hope you enjoyed these 5 Amazing Dog Facts.