Baby Portrait Session with Aurora
Our Baby Portrait Session with Aurora was just perfect. This beautiful little smiley baby just stole our hearts. We have the best clients – but then we are biased. This was their second portrait with us. They had signed up to our baby club (contact us to know more about our club).
Even though we had all hoped Aurora would sleep on the way to the session to avoid any grumpy baby tiredness, she didn’t. But she made sure she had plenty of smiles for the camera still (bet she had a lovely sleep on the way home).
Even their dog joined in the photographs. Although bless her she was super nervous about everything, being a Romanian rescue. We still managed to get an image of them all together as a family.
Little Aurora at 7 months, was full of cheekiness. We were trying to get images of her lying on her back, holding her feet. But no, she wanted to show us how she could roll over onto her front. Just looking at us with a proud face each time. It made all of us smile and laugh.
A babies smile is a bit of sunlight wrapped up in your arms.
We not only have our Baby Portrait Session but also our Baby Club.
It is best to contact us to answer your questions about each of the options available to you.