Want to know 5 Newborn Facts? Then read below for some fascinating facts you may not know about.
Their kneecaps don’t fully develop until around 6 months of age. Prior to that, they have just cartilage which forms the structure of the knee.
This is almost 50% more than we have as adults 😱
Eventually, many of these bones will fuse together creating one bone. But when first born they are separate bones.
I found this really interesting. A baby has 3 times the amount of taste buds that we do as adults. They have around 10,000!
All babies are said to be born with blue eyes. The true color will not show till around 6 months of age. Part of the eye has not finished developing by birth and takes longer.
A newborn is said to have around 70 reflexes. Many of the reflexes they have will develop or become integrated.
Hoping you enjoy these 5 Newborn Facts. It was very interesting learning about them as I created this blog.